Savanna - Main Farm
Savanna IL 61074 (sometimes known as Thomson)
NFI does not accept solicitors in any fashion: Email, In Person Cold Call, or Cold Calling the office. We have our own trucking firm and do not hire out and we are established in other fashions to not need cold calls.
Cordova TWO (chip load location)
Scale Chief (during chip Truck loading): (717) 814-8844
Points of Contact: (309) 236-7675 / (309) 236-8745
Cordova TWO potato chip loading sign in procedures are ⇒ HERE ⇐
Loading and Shipping Rules for Cordova TWO are ⇒ HERE ⇐
Neumiller-Sproule Farm Bath IL
6174 N CR 1130E, Bath IL 62617
Official Mail: PO Box 250, Savanna IL 61074
Office (Scale House) Landline: (309) 546-2238
Farm Manager: (309) 236-7673
Compliance Manager: (217) 741-5327
Cordova ONE (NOT for Chip loading)
Points of Contact: (309) 236-8745
Alternate: (309) 230-7475
habla español: (309) 236-7679